Saturday, November 15, 2008

Farm Report

Hard week down on the farm. The workers are getting testy with each other. Due to the fact that the economy is in the toilet, the harvest was poor this week.
Here is the report:
It was decided that Uma Thurman has the best keep toes. If you want to dispute that check out Kill Bill II. She displays them polished to perfection. Speaking of polish the most popular color this week is without a doubt "wicked". There is not a bottle to be had, we definitely need to get more!
The girls from Modern Bride perked up our week with tales of breast lifts and other mammary subjects. There was a serious debate on nipples the size of half dollars and just how big an areola can get.
Visitors from London gave us the scoop on hair extensions and the methods of torture used in the tower of London. My personal favorite was the bamboo shoots (too gross to tell!)
What are the workers reading this week? "On the Road" by Jack Kerouac was left on the tractor by some anonymous spirit so we are discussing that along with the regular trash. Got to keep up with the celebs!

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